A collaborative form editing and workflow service – fully adapted to your company.
Digitalize Your Business
You have a process that is done manually or even on paper and you want to move into the digital world.
Your process has…
- a form focus (e.g. application, certification, …)
- various involved users and roles
- a specific workflow of processing and decision-making
Let’s make a simple example to illustrate the way Caluma works:
- End-user submits an application
- The clerk makes an initial assessment
- The clerk forwards the application to the responsible specialists
- Specialists provide feedback
- After summarizing the feedback the clerk responds to the end-user
Your manual, slow and error-prone process before Caluma was introduced

Caluma provides first-class support for such use cases by providing a service that allows you to:
- Dynamically create complex forms
- Define fine-grained permissions
- Implement declarative business processes
Your agile, fast and digital process with Caluma

What is Caluma?
Caluma is a collaborative form and workflow builder. We help our customer to digitalize their day to day business. As a result there's no more paperwork needed.
Additionally, Caluma is:
- Fully Open Source
- Made for Web Applications
- Customizable and adaptable to your needs
In case you're wondering if Caluma might be a good fit for your next project, see the Evaluating Caluma section in our documentation.
Why Caluma
Try Caluma
How to use the Demo
Convince yourself how easy it is to create forms using the Caluma form builder. The following screencast explains the basics.
In case you have any questions regarding the demo or you'd like to know more, we're happy to help!
Our Offerings
Caluma is 100% Open Source, which means that you can use it at no charge. However, if you'd like to get up and running without having to worry about the technical details, get in touch with one of the Caluma Supporter.
Customer Story
The freedom to develop where it is necessary - for that you absolutely need open software.
Paul Walker, Canton Uri
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